The Science of Baby Babble

Andrew Jessop, University of Liverpool A video of 19-month-old Orla from Liverpool has gone viral, reaching more than 19 million views on TikTok. In the clip, babysitter Olayka is trying to coax Orla into having a nap. Orla, however, wants to stay up and protests in babbling sounds – with a distinct Liverpool English (“scouse”)

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How Labels Affect a Child’s Personality Development

Montserrat Magro Gutiérrez, Universidad Nebrija and Paula Contesse Carvacho, Universidad Nebrija Words have a direct impact on the formation of a child’s identity. By labelling children, for example categorising them as “lazy” or “clever”, we may actually be doing them a disservice. We might see ourselves as benevolent architects of their future, but we might,

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The Power of Reciprocity in Co-Parenting

I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of the law of reciprocity in co-parenting relationships. Single parents often face challenges in navigating the delicate balance of sharing parental responsibilities, especially when emotions run high. However, understanding and embracing the principle of giving to receive can pave the way for smoother interactions and ultimately benefit the

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11 Questions To Ask Alienated Children

Parental alienation is a form of child abuse that deeply affects the emotional well-being of children. As a parent, it’s crucial to recognize the harmful effects of parental alienation and provide support for your kids. Impact of Parental Alienation Parental alienation meets standard, generally accepted criteria for child abuse. It inflicts significant psychological harm on

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Challenges of Single Fatherhood

Understanding the Dynamics of Single Fatherhood: Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Triumphs In the modern landscape of parenthood, the role of fathers has evolved significantly. With shifting societal norms and changing family structures, the concept of single fatherhood has emerged as a poignant narrative, encapsulating both challenges and opportunities. As we delve into the intricacies of

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Parallel Parenting vs. Co-Parenting: Choosing the Best Approach for High-Conflict Situations

Navigating the waters of parenting post-separation or divorce can be challenging, especially when faced with a hostile partner or high-conflict dynamics. In such situations, traditional co-parenting arrangements may not always be feasible or effective. This is where parallel parenting comes into play as an alternative approach to promote children’s well-being while minimizing conflict. In this

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